Your a tech guy maybe you can help out? I can’t work out where to get the RSS feeds from for the metars and tafs.. has them but I have no idea where he is getting the info from!
That is coming :) I am also working on getting live Metar and Tafs from Biggin, Southend and Lyyd to display direct on the site. Have you Seb the notams bit?
@Andrey Nikulin have you got the link to the stoke weather station handy?
Does anyone have the link for the weather station they can send over?
There might be commercial or free METAR and TAF feeds available
Sorry I thought you are talkign about NOTAMS feed.
He is managing to get it all live somehow!
Will have a look
Your a tech guy maybe you can help out? I can’t work out where to get the RSS feeds from for the metars and tafs.. has them but I have no idea where he is getting the info from!
Seen but didn't look properly yet
That is coming :) I am also working on getting live Metar and Tafs from Biggin, Southend and Lyyd to display direct on the site. Have you Seb the notams bit?